National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

A look at Apple's device recycling, including shredding robots, and contractor GEEP, which Apple sued in 2020 for $22.6M in a case that has since

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2024-04-18 12:58:21
Robotics / Makers , Developers , Crypto Currency

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Austin Carr / Bloomberg:

A look at Apple's device recycling, including shredding robots, and contractor GEEP, which Apple sued in 2020 for $22.6M in a case that has since been inactive  —  Apple touts its network of shredding robots and contractors as a greener way to reuse old gadgets.

Austin Carr / Bloomberg:

A look at Apple's device recycling, including shredding robots, and contractor GEEP, which Apple sued in 2020 for $22.6M in a case that has since been inactive  —  Apple touts its network of shredding robots and contractors as a greener way to reuse old gadgets.

Source: TechMeme
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