National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF) Forums

BestEdrOfTheMarket - Little AV EDR Bypassing Lab For Training And Learning Purposes

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2024-02-18 19:01:10
Red Team (CNA)


Little AV/EDR Evasion Lab for training & learning purposes. (️ under construction..)​

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| | | | (_| | | | < __/ |_ Yazidou -
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\___|\__|

BestEDROfTheMarket is a naive user-mode EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) project, designed to serve as a testing ground for understanding and bypassing EDR's user-mode detection methods that are frequently used by these security solutions.
These techniques are mainly based on a dynamic analysis of the target process state (memory, API calls, etc.),

Feel free to check this short article I wrote that describe the interception and analysis methods implemented by the EDR.

Defensive Techniques

In progress:


        Usage: BestEdrOfTheMarket.exe [args]

/help Shows this help message and quit
/v Verbosity
/iat IAT hooking
/stack Threads call stack monitoring
/nt Inline Nt-level hooking
/k32 Inline Kernel32/Kernelbase hooking
/ssn SSN crushing
BestEdrOfTheMarket.exe /stack /v /k32
BestEdrOfTheMarket.exe /stack /nt
BestEdrOfTheMarket.exe /iat

Source: OffensiveSec
Source Link:

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