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Huawei unveils Qiankun, a new business unit focused on providing self-driving systems, marking the company's latest push to become a major EV ind

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2024-04-24 05:23:14
Shooting the breeze / off-topic


Huawei unveils Qiankun, a new business unit focused on providing self-driving systems, marking the company's latest push to become a major EV industry player  —  Chinese tech company Huawei (HWT.UL) unveiled on Wednesday a new software brand for intelligent driving, marking its latest push …


Huawei unveils Qiankun, a new business unit focused on providing self-driving systems, marking the company's latest push to become a major EV industry player  —  Chinese tech company Huawei (HWT.UL) unveiled on Wednesday a new software brand for intelligent driving, marking its latest push …

Source: TechMeme
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