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Hands-on with Ray-Ban Meta's new AI translation feature, which is too rudimentary and buggy to be anything more than a novelty (Kate Knibbs Wired

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2024-06-26 21:36:05
Developers , Red Team (CNA)

Kate Knibbs / Wired:

Hands-on with Ray-Ban Meta's new AI translation feature, which is too rudimentary and buggy to be anything more than a novelty  —  WIRED took Meta's Ray-Ban Smart Glasses to French-speaking Canada to trial its AI smarts.  Quelle catastrophe!  —  Imagine you've just arrived in another country …

Kate Knibbs / Wired:

Hands-on with Ray-Ban Meta's new AI translation feature, which is too rudimentary and buggy to be anything more than a novelty  —  WIRED took Meta's Ray-Ban Smart Glasses to French-speaking Canada to trial its AI smarts.  Quelle catastrophe!  —  Imagine you've just arrived in another country …

Source: TechMeme
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