National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Filing: Google asks a US federal appeals court to throw out the Epic ruling that would force it to overhaul the Play Store, as it competes with Apple

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2024-11-27 20:03:08
Policy / Governance


Filing: Google asks a US federal appeals court to throw out the Epic ruling that would force it to overhaul the Play Store, as it competes with Apple and more  —  Google said in a filing Wednesday that US District Judge James Donato's ruling is flawed and asked that the outcome of the long-running litigation be set aside.


Filing: Google asks a US federal appeals court to throw out the Epic ruling that would force it to overhaul the Play Store, as it competes with Apple and more  —  Google said in a filing Wednesday that US District Judge James Donato's ruling is flawed and asked that the outcome of the long-running litigation be set aside.

Source: TechMeme
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