National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Amazon's plan to rearchitect Alexa around LLMs could finally help Alexa understand what users are trying to do and end the awkward syntax needed

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2024-11-03 23:03:05
Cybersecurity Business , Education , Breach

David Pierce / The Verge:

Amazon's plan to rearchitect Alexa around LLMs could finally help Alexa understand what users are trying to do and end the awkward syntax needed to use Skills  —  Ten years ago, Amazon imagined a future beyond apps — and it had the idea basically right.  But the perfect ambient computer remains frustratingly far away.

David Pierce / The Verge:

Amazon's plan to rearchitect Alexa around LLMs could finally help Alexa understand what users are trying to do and end the awkward syntax needed to use Skills  —  Ten years ago, Amazon imagined a future beyond apps — and it had the idea basically right.  But the perfect ambient computer remains frustratingly far away.

Source: TechMeme
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