National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Microsoft says a feature to let US users play and buy Xbox games from the Xbox app on Android is "ready to go live as soon as the court makes a f

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2024-11-28 02:16:11
Blue Team (CND) , Policy / Governance , Breach

Richard Lawler / The Verge:

Microsoft says a feature to let US users play and buy Xbox games from the Xbox app on Android is “ready to go live as soon as the court makes a final decision”  —  A few weeks ago, Microsoft exec Sarah Bond said that in November, “players will be able to play and purchase Xbox games directly from the Xbox App on Android.”

Richard Lawler / The Verge:

Microsoft says a feature to let US users play and buy Xbox games from the Xbox app on Android is “ready to go live as soon as the court makes a final decision”  —  A few weeks ago, Microsoft exec Sarah Bond said that in November, “players will be able to play and purchase Xbox games directly from the Xbox App on Android.”

Source: TechMeme
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