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Brave debuts its AI-powered assistant Leo, which can create real-time summaries of webpages or videos, generate long-form written content, and more, o

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2024-03-01 02:52:25
Developers , Shooting the breeze / off-topic

Aisha Malik / TechCrunch:

Brave debuts its AI-powered assistant Leo, which can create real-time summaries of webpages or videos, generate long-form written content, and more, on Android  —  Brave is launching its AI-powered assistant, Leo, to all Android users.  The assistant allows users to ask questions …

Aisha Malik / TechCrunch:

Brave debuts its AI-powered assistant Leo, which can create real-time summaries of webpages or videos, generate long-form written content, and more, on Android  —  Brave is launching its AI-powered assistant, Leo, to all Android users.  The assistant allows users to ask questions …

Source: TechMeme
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