National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Intel interim co-CEO David Zinsner maintains Intel's financial forecast and says he expects the next CEO to have some capability around both foun

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2024-12-05 07:32:36
Developers , Blue Team (CND) , General News , Policy / Governance

Zaheer Kachwala / Reuters:

Intel interim co-CEO David Zinsner maintains Intel's financial forecast and says he expects the next CEO to have some capability around both foundry and product  —  Intel's (INTC.O) next chief executive officer will have manufacturing expertise as well as experience in the product side of the business …

Zaheer Kachwala / Reuters:

Intel interim co-CEO David Zinsner maintains Intel's financial forecast and says he expects the next CEO to have some capability around both foundry and product  —  Intel's (INTC.O) next chief executive officer will have manufacturing expertise as well as experience in the product side of the business …

Source: TechMeme
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