National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

MLCommons, a nonprofit that helps companies measure the performance of their AI systems, announces the AILuminate benchmark to measure the safety of L

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2024-12-07 05:16:24
Developers , Cybersecurity Business , Policy / Governance

Will Knight / Wired:

MLCommons, a nonprofit that helps companies measure the performance of their AI systems, announces the AILuminate benchmark to measure the safety of LLMs  —  MLCommons provides benchmarks that test the abilities of AI systems.  It wants to measure the bad side of AI next.

Will Knight / Wired:

MLCommons, a nonprofit that helps companies measure the performance of their AI systems, announces the AILuminate benchmark to measure the safety of LLMs  —  MLCommons provides benchmarks that test the abilities of AI systems.  It wants to measure the bad side of AI next.

Source: TechMeme
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