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An experiment where writers had access to GPT-4 for short story ideas finds it boosted creativity for some but reduced the collective diversity of nov

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2024-07-13 00:29:15
Developers , Blue Team (CND)

Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch:

An experiment where writers had access to GPT-4 for short story ideas finds it boosted creativity for some but reduced the collective diversity of novel content  —  A new study examines whether AI could be an automated helpmeet in creative tasks, with mixed results: it appeared …

Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch:

An experiment where writers had access to GPT-4 for short story ideas finds it boosted creativity for some but reduced the collective diversity of novel content  —  A new study examines whether AI could be an automated helpmeet in creative tasks, with mixed results: it appeared …

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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