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How an empty, private AWS S3 bucket had 100M PUT requests in a day, racking up a substantial bill, due to a popular open source tool using the same b

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2024-04-30 10:42:12
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Maciej Pocwierz:

How an empty, private AWS S3 bucket had ~100M PUT requests in a day, racking up a substantial bill, due to a popular open source tool using the same bucket name  —  Imagine you create an empty, private AWS S3 bucket in a region of your preference.  What will your AWS bill be the next morning?

Maciej Pocwierz:

How an empty, private AWS S3 bucket had ~100M PUT requests in a day, racking up a substantial bill, due to a popular open source tool using the same bucket name  —  Imagine you create an empty, private AWS S3 bucket in a region of your preference.  What will your AWS bill be the next morning?

Source: TechMeme
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