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EU diplomats: a scheduled EU Council vote to amend a draft law that may force WhatsApp and Signal to scan images and links for CSAM was removed from t

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2024-06-20 11:57:10
Policy / Governance

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Clothilde Goujard / Politico:

EU diplomats: a scheduled EU Council vote to amend a draft law that may force WhatsApp and Signal to scan images and links for CSAM was removed from the agenda  —  A vote scheduled today to amend a draft law that may require WhatsApp and Signal to scan people's pictures and links …

Clothilde Goujard / Politico:

EU diplomats: a scheduled EU Council vote to amend a draft law that may force WhatsApp and Signal to scan images and links for CSAM was removed from the agenda  —  A vote scheduled today to amend a draft law that may require WhatsApp and Signal to scan people's pictures and links …

Source: TechMeme
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Policy / Governance

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