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How video games with immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing offer some of the most thrilling fiction out there, overtaking books for some

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2024-04-17 10:32:10
Cybersecurity Business

Imogen West-Knights / Financial Times:

How video games with immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing offer some of the most thrilling fiction out there, overtaking books for some readers  —  With immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing, some of the most thrilling fiction out there is being created in game form

Imogen West-Knights / Financial Times:

How video games with immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing offer some of the most thrilling fiction out there, overtaking books for some readers  —  With immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing, some of the most thrilling fiction out there is being created in game form

Source: TechMeme
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