National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Meta appears to be developing a Threads feature inspired by Bluesky's "starter packs", with profiles "handpicked by people on Thre

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2024-11-27 18:19:09
Shooting the breeze / off-topic

Sarah Perez / TechCrunch:

Meta appears to be developing a Threads feature inspired by Bluesky's “starter packs”, with profiles “handpicked by people on Threads” for users to follow  —  Hoping to quell some of the momentum behind social network Bluesky, a competitor to X and Meta's Threads …

Sarah Perez / TechCrunch:

Meta appears to be developing a Threads feature inspired by Bluesky's “starter packs”, with profiles “handpicked by people on Threads” for users to follow  —  Hoping to quell some of the momentum behind social network Bluesky, a competitor to X and Meta's Threads …

Source: TechMeme
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