National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Data leaks have given Irish republican groups upper hand against police, analysts warn

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2023-08-20 15:58:55
Blue Team (CND)

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Breaches hurt police morale and may help republican paramilitaries intimidate officers and their families

Police data breaches in Northern Ireland have given republican paramilitaries a powerful tool to intimidate, demoralise and target officers and their families for years to come, according to security experts.

The New IRA and other groups have gained the “upper hand” and will be able to use the unprecedented leaks of officers’ personal information to carry out psychological and possibly physical attacks, the analysts warned.

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Data leaks have given Irish republican groups ‘upper hand’ against police, analysts warn

Breaches hurt police morale and may help republican paramilitaries intimidate officers and their families

Police data breaches in Northern Ireland have given republican paramilitaries a powerful tool to intimidate, demoralise and target officers and their families for years to come, according to security experts.

The New IRA and other groups have gained the “upper hand” and will be able to use the unprecedented leaks of officers’ personal information to carry out psychological and possibly physical attacks, the analysts warned.

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Northern Ireland
UK news
Data and computer security
Northern Irish politics
Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:46:20 GMT

Photograph: Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Photograph: Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Rory Carroll Ireland correspondent

Source: Guardian
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