National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

A look at generative AI's impact, its structural issue of concentrated power among a few companies, and utopian questions over an alternative ver

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2024-12-09 10:45:33
Developers , Ransomware , Breach

Evgeny Morozov / Boston Review:

A look at generative AI's impact, its structural issue of concentrated power among a few companies, and utopian questions over an alternative version of AI  —  Critiques of artificial intelligence abound.  Where's the utopian vision for what it could be?  —  With responses from Brian Eno …

Evgeny Morozov / Boston Review:

A look at generative AI's impact, its structural issue of concentrated power among a few companies, and utopian questions over an alternative version of AI  —  Critiques of artificial intelligence abound.  Where's the utopian vision for what it could be?  —  With responses from Brian Eno …

Source: TechMeme
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